In this Lightning Path Online special class, we focus upon the universally challenging issue of relationships.
The focus of the class is to transcend the tiresome 'ups & downs' that are typical of a relationship drama so that an even minded consistency can be established.
From the attained position of self-fulfilled peace and sovereignty, we are then able to offer our relationships a much greater potential that does not revolve around selfish and petty wants, needs and desires.
Attaining as such, we open the doorway to truly meaningful, loving interactions that can become a life-long connection of sustainable fulfillment.
By following the 'pathway' suggested in this class, anyone can remain true to themselves whilst enjoying the opportunites that life offers from a place of integrity, detachment, genuine care and gratitude.
This class also includes 2 x Transfiguration Codes through which the sovereign skill of Energy Field Clearing & Activation can be developed.
By cultivating this skill, it is possible to overcome all emotional reactivity and retrain the mind to remain in a state of peace and constructive focus even amidst a chaotic environment.
Included in this offer:
- 1 x Webinar Tutorial (discussing above related content)
- 1 x Facilitated Energy Field Clearing, Genetic Activation & Energy Transmission Meditation
- Instructions regarding reading of Quantum Energy Signatures
- 1 x Energy Field Cleansing, Purification & Rarefaction Code
- 1 x Divine Code of Discipline & Multi-Dimensional Congruence